the sun and its prodigious stream of solar particles, called the solar wind, can be particularly tricky to model since as the material streams to the outer reaches of the solar system it carries along its own magnetic fields.

The reason it "carries along it own magnetic field" is because what they have described are electric currents (streams of charged particles). We know from first grade science class that electric currents create magnetic fields, so if they want an accurate model they had better consider said birkeland currents as well as the electric fields, double layers, plasma sheaths, and the plasma circuits that will be present. The complexity of the system is daunting to plasma physicist let alone astrophysicists who has not been properly instructed on the complex behaviors of plasma.

"The complexity of the system is daunting to plasma physicist let alone astrophysicists who has not been properly instructed on the complex behaviors of plasma."

Since you believe the Electric Sun model is more complete and predictive in every way than the Standard Model of the Sun, could you reference, say, 100 published papers describing a quantitative model of the Electric Sun and how observations are in line with theory? How about 10?

Hey cantdrive, can you reference ONE paper in a relevant peer-reviewed science journal that provides quantitative observational evidence that the sun is powered by outside electrical currents?

Evidence or STFU.

The EUT guys are building a model of the electric sun, you can see them discussing it here;

Once this is model is complete, it should only be a matter of time before there are volumes of papers written about it. Being that the hypothesis is relatively new (<10yrs) it will take time for the hypothesis to be fully vetted. And I doubt it would make any difference at all how many papers have been produced to support EUT, the religious dogma you believe in is very powerful and only a cult-type deprogramming will help you see how unscientific your approach is.

A quantitative model? Cantdrive can't even qualitatively describe how it is that his positively-charged sun drives an outwardly flowing wind of both positive and negative particles.

Really, there's plasma? So there should be Alfven waves, right? Man, they're idiots if they don't include that. Oh wait, that's the Letter is about! First sentence of the abstact: "Fluctuations in the solar wind fields tend to not only have velocities and magnetic fields correlated in the sense consistent with Alfvén waves traveling from the Sun...".

Really, there's plasma?

Alfven wrote of these waves;
If a conducting liquid is placed in a constant magnetic field, every motion of the liquid gives rise to an E.M.F. which produces electric currents. Owing to the magnetic field, these currents give mechanical forces which change the state of motion of the liquid. Thus a kind of combined electromagnetic-hydrodynamic wave is produced.
—Existence of Electromagnetic-Hydrodynamic Waves,

Funny I saw no mention of the electric currents Alfven described, nor did I see any mention of the electromotive force he said would be a result. There is no mention of electric fields, which will assuredly be present with moving magnetic fields. There is no mention of plasma circuits, current sheets, filaments, double layers, or plasma circuit instabilities, all of which need to be considered (among other things) that must be accounted for if a truly accurate model is to be created.