Cosmic ray superwave illuminating nearby gas clouds, causing synchrotron radiation in our direction, like in the Crab today?? Read LaViolette.


"If the jet idea is correct, the outburst probably was caused by material pulled into the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy."

There should be an adequate supply of raw materials to feed this particular SMBH. Previous studies have found a compact, dusty nuclear starburst at the core of NGC 660:


While the article mentions that NGC 660 is a spiral galaxy, it is actually a rare "polar ring" galaxy:


I'm gonna go ahead and dumb down this conversation by stating that that is clearly a spacecock.

I, for one, welcome our SMBH Galactic Overlords.

@ Tuxford: Sorry to out-burst your crackpot ideas, but this is a science blog and not a fantasy site.

@ be4r: Balls!

tuxford, why is it that the galactic superwaves that occur when the sunquantum kinetics kicks in that causes core explosions and ejections and that nothing is sucked in only ejected in the spontaneous creation of new matter yet we see these event caused by the absorbtion of material, the opposite of the sunquantum kinetics theory. how does laviolettes theory plan on explaining the current cloud of gas we;ve been watching getting ready to be sucked into the milky ways black hole as we watch? its already happened tuxford, its just a matter of time till we see it reach its conclusion. then what will you and laviolette do? did he somehow misunderstand the secet alien code hidden in pulsars telling him of a galactic core explosion in the past and warning of a future one while also explaining subquantum kinetics to him? maybe when he said he visited them in their world and recieved a medal from them in his mind he got too confident? tuxford laviolette is science fiction!fantasy!make believe!

"how does laviolettes theory plan on explaining the current cloud of gas we;ve been watching getting ready to be sucked into the milky ways black hole as we watch?"

I was rather amused with his explanation. At first, he predicted no superwave would be generated by the encounter of the gas cloud G2 with Sgr A*. Then, according to some remote viewing "research" (via ESP), he now says some mysterious event will happen on Earth June 1, 2013: http://starburstf...g/?p=267

Setting aside the implausible notion that this superwave will travel 26,000 ly from the nucleus instantaneously, the closest approach of G2 from Sgr A*(about 270 AU) is expected to occur 3 months later, sometime around September 10, 2013:

LaViolette's predictions aren't just science fiction, they're BAD science fiction.

whoops, it should be subquantum kinetics, not sunquantum kinetics. typo on my part i just caught.

thank you yyz. i remember you questioning him on it in an earlier article now. i agree, he is getting more and more desperate it seems.

"Setting aside the implausible notion that this superwave will travel 26,000 ly from the nucleus instantaneously,"

Just as I suspected, Z can read, but he can't really think well.

And Dark, can just barely communicate. Look at all the dribble.

good comeback tuxford, how about you address the many issues presented?

"Setting aside the implausible notion that this superwave will travel 26,000 ly from the nucleus instantaneously,"

Just as I suspected, Z can read, but he can't really think well. .
Since galactic superwaves have been described as "volleys of cosmic rays," and cosmic rays consist of massive particles that must travel slower than light, yyz was expressing amazement at the idea that the cosmic rays would arrive faster than the light-news from the event that produces them. Rather than casting dubious assertions, why don't you address the apparent contradiction?