Has there ever been a true milliped? As in, a bug with a thousand legs.

Finally a creature that can actually tie itself in knots, a lot of knots if it wanted to.

Has there ever been a true milliped? As in, a bug with a thousand legs.
Absolutely. There is no reason in principle not to be. To prove otherwise requires examining the entire universe of discourse - all many legged bugs that have ever been.

Kind of like disproving a god would require combing over every planck volume of the universe, right? So thinly veiled, Doug.

How do you feel about the recent election?

This one seemed like there is a risk knotting himself.

Perfect recipe for disaster: walk through a couple of loops of yourself, and then run in panic.

Kind of like disproving a god would require combing over every planck volume of the universe

Actually, the only thing you need for disproving God is to point out that you can't find one.

Because that which can't be found, in contrast to simply not having been found yet, is something that doesn't exist in this reality. It has no influence on us - otherwise we'd be able to distinguish and measure it - at least in principle.

As long as God is defined as unknowable and beyond all reasoning, it remains impossible to discover, and therefore it cannot be real. If God is knowable, then the burden of proof shifts to the believers who must prove that God exists before anyone has any reason to believe so.

The God of the Bible for example cannot exist, because it is described with contradictory qualities. Finding something like the biblical God is like finding a square circle.