No matter how many mistakes we make in screwing up the natural order of things, we seem bound to repeat those mistakes & people suffer for the grandiose experiments of the political leadership.

Here in the USA we've finally figured out that our dams create a drop in the wild salmon stock, and we're starting to modify or tear down those impediments. Other countries at the insistence of their political leadership want to go back to the "dark ages" all the while imagining they are "modernizing" their cultures power production that only provides electricity for the power elites who want to air condition their villas while the masses starve.

Don't the authors of this study see that is part of the point of putting the damns up? If you take a persons ability to self source food away you can make them buy from you and be dependent on you.

Dams in the USA were primarily flood control mechanisms with power as a side benefit.

As the dams are torn down, more flood damage will occur. On top of that, agriculture that relies on dams will suffer.

"On May 30, 1948, a levee on the flood-swollen Columbia River ruptured, sending a 10-foot high wall of water crashing into Vanport (North Portland). Sixteen people died and Vanport—at the time, Oregon's second largest city—disappeared forever.

President Harry Truman flew west to see the devastation. Speaking to an audience in Portland, Truman said the flooding could have been averted if a network of dams along the Columbia, Snake, and Willamette rivers was in place. He scolded Congress and told them to get off the dime and fund the Bureau of Reclamation to complete its flood control projects.

Over the next 20 years, more dams were completed, adding flood control capacity, creating a 465-mile water transportation network."