Progress is progress, but my goodness...

It took an entire year to go from 2 qubits to 3 qubits?

At the rate of 1 qubit per year, it'll be 21 years before they have a machine with 3 quantum bytes.

At the rate of 50% per year, it'll still take over 5 years before they can make a machine with 24 qubits, or 3 quantum bytes.

Unless someone figures out a way to generalize their circuitry, this is going to take decades or centuries to have any real progress.

At the rate of 1 qubit per year, it'll be 21 years before they have a machine with 3 quantum bytes.
At the rate of 50% per year, it'll still take over 5 years before they can make a machine with 24 qubits, or 3 quantum bytes.
Unless someone figures out a way to generalize their circuitry, this is going to take decades or centuries to have any real progress.

What makes you think that there is only going to be a 50% increase every year in quantum bit manipulation, storage, ect..

At the rate of our knowledge and expansion of science I can see this increasing exponentially... maybe in 2 years we can make a machine with 8 qubits, maybe a year after that it only increases by 2... then perhaps the next couple years that increases exponentially?
Quantum Processing and computing just doesn't occur over night.. or in a matter of 10, 15 years... I don't see a feasible quantum computing coming about until the next 30 - 50 years maybe even longer but hey.. that is NOT that far off.

progress can sometimes be compared to a dam. water accumulate little by little and then the dam can no longer hold it...

It took an entire year to go from 2 qubits to 3 qubits?

But I think the point of the article is not so much that they increased the number of qubits by 50% but that they devised, created and demonstrated a workable error-correction scheme at the qubit level. That's actually a really important step forward.

They'll find better/quicker means of manipulating qubits to the point where it may have taken a year to add a third one but now knowing what they do, it might only take 9 months to add another. Once they can build a small scale but workable Q-pc and use it to further there work then I believe they'll be able to double it with in a couple years which prior to that took 10... People seem to forget that we are constanly improving and what took us a year to do now will only get shorter as we learn and discover new techniques. Nano technology is gonna revolutionize our lifetime and I strongly believe it's gonna happen with-in 20 years.....I hope!

People seem to forget that we are constantly improving and what took us a year to do now will only get shorter as we learn and discover new techniques.

So imagine what happens when you have all the knowledge imaginable: You could create the universe and everything in it in just six days!!!!

"... qubits to be placed in a "superposition" of these two states at the same time"

"... superposition of two possibilities—all three were either in the 0 state or the 1 state"

Pretty sure that is a contradiction. Keyword in second statement is "either". A qubit in superposition IS both values until measured. Once measured it is no longer a superposition nor are the bits entangled. Speaking of which, anyone know how they are re-entangling the qubits after measurements?

People seem to forget that we are constantly improving and what took us a year to do now will only get shorter as we learn and discover new techniques.

So imagine what happens when you have all the knowledge imaginable: You could create the universe and everything in it in just six days!!!!

You'd have to exist first. Your flavor of Udayism is ridiculous, and a sign of a weak mind.

People seem to forget that we are constantly improving and what took us a year to do now will only get shorter as we learn and discover new techniques.
So imagine what happens when you have all the knowledge imaginable: You could create the universe and everything in it in just six days!!!!
You'd have to exist first. Your flavor of Udayism is ridiculous, and a sign of a weak mind.
Religion aside, you'd also need a good dose of energy. My first guess is, a nuclear power plant the size of the universe. :-)

A 30-qubit quantum computer would equal the processing power of a conventional computer that could run at 10 teraflops (trillions of floating-point operations per second). http://computer.h...rintable

People seem to forget that we are constantly improving and what took us a year to do now will only get shorter as we learn and discover new techniques.

So imagine what happens when you have all the knowledge imaginable: You could create the universe and everything in it in just six days!!!!

Your religion-supporting suggestion is a non-sequitir because "all knowledge imaginable" equates to "infinite knowledge" - to acquire infinite knnowledge would require infinite time and therefore cannot yet have happened (the continued existence of the universe we live in precludes it a priori).

Why do you (apparently) believe what was written in the Hebrew bible by rather primitive tribespeople some 3,000 or 4,000 or so years ago?

If you live outside of time or can travel it like we would a street then it would be a possibility or as with string theory there are infinite universes then most likely beings have learned to traverse them so in my mind anything is possible.