A candlelight-like glow from a flexible organic LED

Giving off a comfortable glow, candles set the ambiance for a special dinner or just a quiet evening at home. However, some lighting alternatives, such as electronic candles, give off unwanted blue wavelengths that interfere ...

Organic spacers improve LED performance

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) release energy in the form of light when electrons and "holes" (electron vacancies) recombine in response to an applied voltage. Over the past few years, scientists have turned their attention ...

Hot OLEDs can 'switch back'

It is well-known that LEDs and transistors should not be connected in parallel as slight differences in resistance can lead to imbalanced current flow. This effect gets even stronger if the devices heat up as their resistance ...

A new generation of organic light-emitting diodes

Another major success for the University of Bayreuth: over the next four years, the university will be coordinating an intercontinental research network that has 3.9 million euros in funding. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, ...

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