Gosh, you mean nobody thought of testing "Juan" and "Vladimir"???

This is shameful stereotyping. How can there be "names likely to belong to blacks?" Next, people will be claiming that certain sports are more likely to be played by distinct racial groups; for example: basketball versus, say, hockey.

I find it humorous that when a search engine like Google finds links between "typical black names" and "criminal activity" the search results are considered to be racist. As if Google is just pulling these connections out of nowhere, they must be prejudiced. I guess we should ignore the facts and pretend everyone is equal.

I searched the author, Latanya Sweeney, on images.google.com. No more on that.

The findings raise "questions as to whether Google's advertising technology exposes racial bias in society and how ad and search technology can develop to assure racial fairness," Sweeney said in a blog post.

Now, that is the solution! Tweak search engines to always return a Politically Correct Distribution of Results, and always check that ads are served in a racially and gender fair manner.

Yes, let's eradicate differences and make everyone equal! Let's tattoo everybody green, so no race shines from our faces. And lets neuter everybody into a Ken/Barbie look. And passports should only show a single sex: "Fixed".

I promise to vote this Latanya to Congress!

Google ads are only a response to people's queries and behavior online. Those ads are like a tool that measures racial bias in population.

It is the users/people who are racially biased, ads only reflect that simple truth.

@Infinum The ads reflect no bias. They are mathematically driven and reflect real world crime numbers.

bertibus is correct. But "Cause and effect" also plays a great part in determining which ads are best suited for Search results. Crime statistics may or may not be a factor but are still not a form of racial bias against Blacks since the great majority of criminal activity is done by members of the White population in America. Having said that about White criminals, it cannot be said that I have expressed a racial bias against Whites either. The criminal mind knows no "race".

An article I recently read re: Dr. Thomas Sowell's book about Redneck Blacks, (Professor Sowell is a Conservative American economist who is also Black), brings to light many of the causes and effects of the Black experience in Africa and America.


As I have not purchased Dr. Sowell's book as yet, I look forward to reading it. finding out exactly where his ideas are insufficient.