Month ago - "one step closer". Today - "one step closer". I don't care if quantom or graphene computing is one step closer if it's a million steps away. When will i be able to buy a quantum/graphene processor on

Same old mantra.

If a useful quantum computer is built some day in the future, you can bet your ass that it'll be first used to crack some very tough scientific problems that are practically impossible on "classical" computers. If you want a new fancy toy, you'll most likely have to wait quite a while.

When will i be able to buy a quantum/graphene processor on

If you're not satisfied with the speed of development then go and do some research and make it go faster. What's that you're saying? You have no clue about quantum physics or what a quantum computer does?

Then stop harping on the people who are actually doing something. Because if it were up to people like you we could wait a million years and wouldn't ever be one step closer.

Armchair coaches. Pathetic.

Conservatives become very annoyed by any problem that can't be solved immediately by throwing money at it: A clear symptom of brain damage

Conservatives become very annoyed by any problem that can't be solved immediately by throwing money at it: A clear symptom of brain damage

And liberals become very annoyed when they aren't allowed to keep throwing money at the same idea that didn't solve the problem: A clear symptom of insanity.