Just another example of the imprecision of "science". They claim this to be a "third type of volcanic eruption". Then they describe it as essentially just the explosive type, but under special conditions, namely, the immense pressure of overlying seawater. A phenomenon the same as other phenomenon elsewhere, but occurring under special conditions is not a new type of phenomenon! If they want, evidently, at least to an extent, self servingly, give it the name Tangaroan, they still should not typify it as a "new type of eruption".

There is at least one other kind of eruption that these silly geologists haven't figured out yet.

It is the invisible, evidence free eruption type that those 3 million invisible active volcanoes that Denialist Tards have been claiming live under the ocean employ.

Some denialists think they are caused by near surface resonance of dilithium crystals placed under the ocean by space aliens looking for an way to heat the earth's surface and increase the number of earth women wearing string bikinis.

I commend them for their space alien efforts.

Just another example of the imprecision of "science". They claim this to be a "third type of volcanic eruption". Then they describe it as essentially just the explosive type, but under special conditions, namely, the immense pressure of overlying seawater. A phenomenon the same as other phenomenon elsewhere, but occurring under special conditions is not a new type of phenomenon! If they want, evidently, at least to an extent, self servingly, give it the name Tangaroan, they still should not typify it as a "new type of eruption".

I think what they are getting at is that virtually all undersea volcanoes are of the basaltic lava variety, which has a much lower dissolved gas content than the typical land based volcano, which are dominantly of the rhyolitic lava type, which contains much higher amounts of dissolved gases, and is hence very much more explosive.

So, here we have an example of an undersea volcano driven by what is characteristically land-type volcano's magma.

Perhaps this --or a similar volcano-- was responsible for that pumice raft of a couple sqare kilometer area which was found floating off the coast of Australia last year.


Caliban, thanks for the context.

@jp: Ooh, the conspirationist "science"! Useful - not. Likely - not. Trolling - yes.

We can all see they make an attribution, that needs to be tested. No one, except religionists and/or conspirationists, hands out absolute "fact".