This new search feature is cool but came with way too much hype. It reminds me of hyping strategy for its products.

It continues to puzzle me why these companies, who rely on advertising revenue, continue to accrue value, when in fact nobody likes advertising because it gets in the way of their internet experience. It has always looked to me suspiciously like some kind of sophisticated money laundering scheme. Neither do we like advertising specifically targeted at us individually because that constitutes invasion of privacy. I have never "used" internet advertising as a consumer, and I am not swayed by it. I think it's a nuisance, especially when the "x" button is so cleverly hidden at times when those annoying little Shock Wave ads go floating over the content on my screen. I can tell those advertisers straight up that I will not like those products that are advertised that way when that happens because of the annoyance factor. Just another bit of technology that we should dispose of instead of using it just because it is possible to do. It's irritating, like too much advertising on TV.

Less a search function, more a datamining interface. Small time marketers will love it; just set up a FB company page, get some likes and start mining! I dont think that this is going to be useful for the general user, and I dont think its aimed at them! I think FB has jumped the shark, trying to present a datamining tool for marketers as part of the 'user experience'. #FBFail