A wise man once said, "There is nothing permanent except change." But it seems that some things never change.

This is how mythology becomes encased in science,

Similar to the way that the evolutionary single ancestor myth is still with us.
Except that it cannot be tested in the same way the pipestone can be checked. No one can go back into the past to verify how life arose on the planet. So whatever assumption is made, remains just that.
The single ancestor is PURELY mythological:
"You've been telling stories for decades that are based on essentially misinformation."

@Kevin- I don't think that any scientist here goes to religious sites and preaches science there, so please treat this science site and its readers with the same respect.

And what did this article have to do with a single ancestor and evolution anyway?

But since you have raised the subject, did it ever occur to you that YOU might be the one telling stories that are based on misinformation, and that YOU can't go back and check on your divine creator belief or your interpretation of the ancient text that you base it on?

At least science tries to find new information and learn from it, rather than rejecting anything that conflicts with its current thinking no matter what the evidence says.

Once again, kevin finds a way to segue his frenzied lunacy into a completely unrelated article. Do your job, moderators.

and 18 percent were made of a stone called catlinite

Pipestone is catlinite, isn't it?!

Once again, kevin finds a way to segue his frenzied lunacy into a completely unrelated article. Do your job, moderators.

Do your job posters and report him!

Did they have lighters back then? What were they smoking on?

Ok. It's allright, but who dedicates a decade to prove that pipes where made in another place?
That's passion!