The cats out of the bag.

WTF: `Dirac electrons' ? An electron is an electron. Dirac's only added attribute is zitterbewegung. No mention of such is made in the article. I smell hype.

Yes, the terminology used in the article is odd. There's no such thing as a 'Dirac electron.' Dirac's equation describes an oscillation expected to be found in all electrons.

Perhaps a more sensible explanation (in words, at least; no doubt mathematics would be better) is that the researchers have explored a method for generating high-energy electrons within a superconducting matrix and measuring their Dirac oscillations to glean clues as to their quantum states without disturbing those states...?

Hard to tell, really. The article is opaque and strangely written.

The existence of such particle can be understood quite easily in my explanation of superconductivity, which arises from high compression of electrons within atom lattice. The repulsive forces of individual electrons overlap and compensate mutually and as the result such an electrons are moving freely. The charge is mediated across sea of such electrons in similar way like the pressure waves of wagons inside of long train or like the ripples at the water surface. Dirac fermions are denomination for the state of particles, the mass of which doesn't depend on speed. They're moving with constant speed which is close to the speed of light and their rest mass is effectively close to zero in similar way, like for the waves of light.

The name "Dirac fermion" comes just from fact, the description of electrons moving with the high speed requires the introduction of relativistic effects (Lorentz transform) into quantum equation, which was first done with P.A.Dirac. I'm interested about it particularly because in AWT the fast moving charged particles should interact strongly with vacuum fluctuations and they should induce for example the gravitational beams and antigravity effects, which were observed first with Podkletnov. For superconductive paddle the vacuum should behave like the thin atmosphere filled with low-energy neutrinos and it should reflect the gravitational/scalar waves (mirror for superluminal telescopes penetrating the materials) and exhibit dragging and antigravity effects. Unfortunately the mainstream physics is completely mentally separated from physics of longitudinal waves in vacuum, being based on deterministic transverse waves only. Whole half of physics is still missing in this way.

IMO these effects should be observable even at room temperature, because we have room temperature superconductors developed already. The conductivity of these samples is low, because they do consist of mutually isolated superconductive islands (pseudogap state) - but it doesn't make problem just for above applications, because the Dirac electrons are already presented there.

An electron is an electron. Dirac's only added attribute is zitterbewegung
Yes, but what the zitterbewegung actually is? The (quantum wave of) free electrons are undulating mostly in three dimensions. When their motion is constrained mutually, then the electrons have no other option, than to undulate mostly in forth dimension like particle wave closed inside of tight potential box. Such a trapped electron interacts strongly not with transverse waves of vacuum, but rather with scalar waves, because it's scalar wave by itself. It manifests for example with high optical transparency of Dirac electrons - they do absorb/reflect gravitational waves instead. For example, the optical absorption of graphene is driven with fine structure constant only.

When one speaks of Dirac electrons in a condensed matter context, it means that an electrons energy has a linear dependece on it's wave vector. For free massless particles the Dirac equation gives the same kind of dependence. This why Diracs name pops up here.
I can't see why this would be a problem, or warrant spouting out nonsense.