brilliant, it was only a matter of time before something like this came along, and once we've got a toe hold on this sort of life extension tech, the whole industry will open up. I do not want to grow old and die. Ethical ramifications of biological immortality can go and get f**ked, I like being alive

Me too. If they give the same dose to humans will it cause an immune disorder? Maybe it can be combined with SIRT stimulators

Reminds me of something from the opening lines of movie "Dune":

In this time, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice Melange. The spice extends life, the spice expands consciousness, the spice is vital to space travel.

Well, ok, so we only have 1 out of 3... SO FAR... :-P

We should totally pump this chemical into the earth's air so we can breath it in 24/7 and turn into those big floating Navigators from Dune!


Could it be the discovery of the Holy Graal...?
I'll stay tuned, waiting for trials on humans.

i wonder what the effect of Rapamycin and resveratrol or other polyphenols have on aging in combination.

"I would like to live a thousand years or so but barring that a few hundred would be nice" -- CEO CEO Nwabudike Morgan

ahh --- pumping a immune system suppressant into the atmosphere would be a bad bad thing.

"If rapamycin, or drugs like rapamycin, works as envisioned, the potential reduction in overall health cost for the U.S. and the world will be enormous."

Or, if the course of events prior to a very elderly person's ultimate death include 3 times as long to die after many more years of being nursed in a debilitated state, the costs could be truly enormous. And I thought 'Medicare' was insolvent NOW! ..

After looking at the link Doug posted I have to think that this drug is not going to be used, as is, for anti-aging. Its immunosupressant effects are bound to have pretty severe consequences in the real world.

Sirolimus inhibits the response to interleukin-2 (IL-2) and thereby blocks activation of T- and B-cells. In contrast, tacrolimus inhibits the production of IL-2.

As with all immunosuppressive medications, rapamycin decreases the body's inherent anti-cancer activity and allows some cancers which would have been naturally destroyed to proliferate. Patients on immunosuppressive medications have a 10- to 100-fold increased risk of cancer compared to the general population. Furthermore, people who currently have or have already been treated for cancer have a higher rate of tumor progression and recurrence than patients with an intact immune system.

So it will need to modified a bit.


These articles make me happy.
I can't wait until life is like a crazy sci-fi movie.

"While the mice in the study were protected in the laboratory, people taking rapamycin are very susceptible to life-threatening infections and cancers, and require constant medical supervision" - http://www.techno...4/page1/

I plan to live forever,
so far so good!

Were are all the super old people who built those statues then?

This could give us the possibility to develop our culture at a much faster rate. Imagine if someone like Albert Einstein could have lived over 150y old. If i had that possibility i would love to get a shot at different careers in one lifetime. Physicist/Biologist/Anthropologist. how fulfilling that would be. Plus, a more diverse knowledge for one person would provide us with a less biased opinion on certain subjects, like medicine for example.